Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I have been plagued with sinus headaches lately. It seems a little too early for my usual bout with allergies, but we've been getting a lot of smoke in the air from all those horrible California fires.

The other day, at work, I told one of my co-workers that my head felt like there were tiny little people with hammers and scrapers going at my sinuses from the inside,with a special batch using my eyeballs for punching bags. I even went home a couple of hours early.

I've been useing a gel nasal spray called Zicam, but today I started on the new over-the-counter antihistamine, Zertec. What's with all these medications starting with "z"? Anything to get attention, I guess. I mowed the lawn and still feel human. Maybe I've found something that will help.

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