Lately, I've read so many letters to the editor in my local paper,"The Salt Lake Tribune", that are wondering what has happened to our country. How did all the changes happen? Where did we lose our way? As I was growing up, I always felt a pride in our country. We usually,if not always, took the high road in our dealings with other countries. I admit, looking back in history, we backed dictators in order to obtain something we wanted or needed, like oil, or military bases. I guess we just overlooked some things. Maybe that's why we are where we are now.
I'm very uncomfortable with our new reputation as a country that condones and practices torture. I wrote a post about this a few months ago, and I got a comment from someone that these prisoners deserved it for being terroerists and I wasn't a very good American to be questioning my President. How do people get that way?
I'm also not comfortable with the Administration's insistance that it be allowed to practise wire-tapping and spying without court orders and prescious little over-sight. Recently, a bill to restrict habeas corpus failed going through by only one vote, just one vote! We changed the make-up of the legislature last election, but we're still getting the same old stuff.
I guess polititions over the world and throughout time, have been aware that people are influenced by fear more than most other things, but the use of fear to push this administrations policies has been refined to an art, it seems.
We can look forward to a change of president this next year, but I'm worried that whoever gets elected, may find that playing to the fears of the public to get their programs across, will be too attractive to ignore.
1 comment:
I agree with you full-heartedly, Mom. The "Fear Platform" is so dangerous.
We've never needed to rely upon the safety measures guaranteed by the Constitution more than at this time in history. Our government is not to be used to violate the rights of its citizens!
Terrorists may use this to their advantage, but so do countless Americans who break our laws. We can't pick and choose who has rights in this country and who doesn't. It's frightening!
Any loss of our freedoms will come at a disastrous cost!
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