I've always believed that life is beautiful and good. I know that isn't true for some people. I isn't even true for me 100% ofthe time, but for most of the time, it is true for me. I know that there are some people who are full of pain and fear. There are people who are full of anger,who blame others for their own pain and don't seem to be happy unless they can make someone unhappier than themselves. That is very sad, for them and anyone around them.
I know that there are people who have been through hell in their lives but have managed to build lives that are good. The hell doesn't go away totally, it just assumes a lesser importance most of the time. They manage to take positive energy and keep that foremost in their lives and keep a wary eye on the negative energy that tries to sneak up and sap them.
I sometimes think that you need to surround yourself with as much beauty as you can find, whatever moves you and is beauty to you. When life slaps you down, and it does, grab onto whatever it is that brings you a sense of beauty and love, no matter how small, and use it as a shield to protect yourself from the negative, the pain and ugliness that is out there.
I generally look toward music and nature and ,of course, family and certain friends that I can count on. The best friend is within, that part of me that is part of Spirit, who can see what I can't always see, that God is with us all, loving us, just as we are, always. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but we each are lovable and worthy, even when we have lost our way, even the person who wounds you is loved. God is the ultimate Father, loving and forgiving all.
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