Tuesday, March 25, 2008

After Easter Notes

Not much to post today, just letting you know I'm still alive. I've been reading my Grandson's fantasy novel as he posts it. It's getting very interesting and shows great promise. It's interesting to note how his own belief's are revealed here and there. Of course, that is usually the case for an author. It's hard to be consistent if you are writing against your own beliefs, I would think.

We're trying to have Spring here, but March is always a little undecided about whether to fully embrace Spring, or to keep giving Winter a chance to hang in a little longer. I do notice that Spring has managed to produce some pollen though, or else snow mold. What ever it is, it's making me sneeze and giving me a headache, when I really should be outside doing some spring clean up.

We had a nice Easter. I picked up my daughter, and cooked a ham and fixings for dinner for her and my two Aunts. I had to give Michele an extra carry bag to take her Easter goodies home in. The problem was that each of us had gone to the store to buy her candy, etc. but only MaryLou showed me what she'd bought. Anyway, Michele will have enough chocolate to last until Fall, plus a basket and another container to put things. That's okay, I guess, but we'll need to coordinate on other holidays.

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