I've been enjoying watching the Olympic coverage. Unfortunately, I end up staying up too late. I didn't get to see the opening ceremonies as I had a friend getting married on the auspicious date of 08/08/08. I didn't get home from the reception until most of the ceremonies were over. It's too bad there have been some things marring the "One World" goal of things.
The fact of Russia attacking Georgia is pretty sad. The Bush Administration's denoucing of Russia's act may be how the country feels, but to have Bush making noise to Russia for doing something that our own country, under Bush's command, did to not one, but 2 countries, seems a bit strange. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Bush seems to be enjoying watching the Olympics, like he's kicking back, ready to get into private life. Still, he's got 5 more months to do some damage. The latest thing he wants is when building projects come up, and decisions need to be made about enviornmental impact, he wants to take the scientists out of the loop. Whatever department is involved in the project can use thier own bosses to make decisions rather than letting anyone with scientific knowledge study things and make recomendations. I suppose that might save time and red tape, assumming that any government department could cut down on red tape, that is. Bush has always seemed to look upon scientists with distrust. I wonder how we got such an anti-intellectual as President. Just lucky, I guess.
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