Recently, Pres. Bush said, again, that The U.S. does not torture. Has anyone kept track of how many times he has seen reason to make this comment? It seems like a lot. Makes you wonder if he's protesting too much. If it were really true, that the U.S. doesn't use torture, he'd not need to keep saying it.
Yesterday I read an article from Harper's Magazine online written by Scott Horton on the subject of torture. He talks about our "enhanced" questioning techniquics and the rendition policies that supposedly aren't torture and are viewed by the Bush Administration as an important part of fighting terrorism. I wonder what kind of Presidency Bush would have had if 9/11 had never happened. How would he have gotten us into Iraq? I'm sure it was on someone in the Administration's agenda from the very beginning.
Back to Scott Horton's article. He talks about torture being a crime greater than most because it corupts the core of state and society, a rot that spreads quickly, destoying other values. It breeds secrecy and tyranical expression of the power of the executive and imperils the democratic institutions. He goes on to point out that love endures and overcomes, while hatred can only destroy.
1 comment:
You idiot liberal: Wake up and smell the stupidity you spew forth!
Or, better yet, go live in Afghanistan. It wasn’t President Bush or any American whom flew those planes into our buildings; as a matter of fact, we can place a lot of the blame on the complacencies of you jerk-off liberals and your bleeding hearts.
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