Monday, July 09, 2007

I just recieved an email newsletter that I subscribe to called Images of One. It contained some alarming information regarding something that many of us consume on a daily basis, thinking that it is a fairly safe product. The article was about the additive aspartame that is used in nearly all of the diet sodas, drink mixes and other products sold as light or diet foods. I remember that saccharin was removed from diet drinks for being a carcinogen. This article claims that aspartame is also a carcinogen. Aspartine is, scientifically speaking, a member of a group of chemicals called excitotoxins. This group of chemicals stimulate the neurons in the nervous system and makes it fire excessively. When used excessively, it can exhaust the system. Aspartine is made up of a methyl ester, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. In the body, the methyl ester is comverted to formaldehyde, you know, like what's used to embalm bodies. When the aspartic acid and phenylalanine are split, you get a neurotoxin. Phenylalanine itself carries some damage that includes depletion of serotonin, mood swings and the lowering of the siezure threshold. Pretty scary huh? For more info, you might want to go to http://www/

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