Today has been a strange, sluggish day. I woke up tired and I'm still tired. I have accomplished very little, when I had planned so much. I get really irritated by days like this. Maybe I just need to "go with the flow" and just get through it.
It has actually been pretty nice weather for the last few days. I really need to work out in my garden a bit before the ground freezes, which could be soon or not, only Mother Nature knows. The nieghbors tree on our property line has lost most of it's leaves. They would make great winter mulch for the garden, but not if I wait until we get more snow. (the snow we got before Halloween melted)
Sometimes I feel really guilty when I'm not accomplishing something. I mean, life doesn't really last forever, at least not as the currant body, that is. Of course, time doesn't really exist,we just experience things in a linear fashion, so it's convenient to use a clock, I guess. That's why our Congressmen can get away with playing with our clocks. I guess it gives them something to do and makes them feel like they're earning their great health benefits, right. Well, tomarrow is another day, hopefully.
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