Thursday, August 23, 2007

I recieved an email from my daughter-in-law and she was commenting on the odd summer they've been having in Vancouver, Washington. They have lived there seven years and this time of year has always been dry. This year is different. The rainy conditions usual in other times of the year have continued all year. She's wondering if there has just been drought conditions the past 7 years and now it is reverting to normal. It's possible that's true, of course, but it seems to me that the weather patterns have been pretty skewed all over this year. I live in Utah and we're high desert country,so we're pretty used to dry conditions. Two years ago we were recovering from a 7 year drought. This last year, we didn't have enough snow pack and this summer has been hot and very dry. This July was the hottest July on record. We've had I think, 18 days of temperatures 100 degrees or over. We're nearly 6 inches below average in our water year. Even so, there are places in the South where they've had 100 degree temps with 90% or more humidity, causing deaths in the populace. It seems as "odd", in the sense of weather is getting to be the norm. I guess time will tell if this is a persistant trend, or if it's a fluke.

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