Sunday, October 24, 2010

Living Life

Do you ever wonder why we keep getting the same things coming up over and over again in our lives? I've heard and even sometimes believed that similar situations keep coming up in your life because you need to learn some life lesson, and these thnings will keep coming up until you learn that lesson. I don't know if it's "karma" from a past life, your own soul trying it teach  your ego something, or the Universe or Spirit teaching.
Then there's the Universal Unconscious, visualised by Karl Jung that could be at work. Who knows?

There's also the idea that we invite those experiences through our attention on all of the things we don't want, obsessing about them to the point that we're actually sending out enough energy to make them intentions. This belief claims that our thoughts send out energy that causes things to happen. There is some basis to this idea from the study of quantum mechanics.

I'm not sure what the answer is, but I do know that during the years I was going into debt and nothing I did seemed to help, I kept worrying about going into bankruptcy. While the idea wasn't really a focus all the time, it was still  a worry that was with me a lot and there certainly was a lot of emotion involved. My situation kept getting worse until I finally filed for bankruptcy. Eventually, my life got better, I live mostly on a cash basis because even after nearly 4 years, I still don't quite trust myself with a credit card. Am I learning a lesson? I'm not sure, but my life is not as fraught with angst as it once was.

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