Here's hoping for 2009 being a "good" new year, whatever your idea of good is. Hopefully, we will all reach, at least the most important of our goals and aspirations. Notice I didn't use the term, "resolutions". I've gotten away from making resolutions. I think that we get too hung upon forever breaking those resolutions, then feeling like a failure. With goals and/or aspirations, we can always revise or refine, or even just chuck them if they don't serve our good.
I've looked at my New Years goals and it seems that I make the same ones every year. Obviously, those goals are not working. I've tried to revise and reword.....still no go. Maybe, just maybe, these goals aren't met because they're the wrong goals. So many years, too many to count, I wanted to lose wieght. It didn't work so much or at least not for long. I revised the goal to being fit and healthy. Seems like a good goal, but hard to measure unless you set up parameters to meet. Wow! That sounds like fun. I also made goals about money. Well, wasn't that a great success?
This year I've decided to be easy on myself, at least I hope it will be easy. Maybe, the feeling that I need this goal, is a sign that it won't be that easy. You see, I think I need to enjoy life more, have some fun. My goal is to bring more fun and enjoyment to my life. Of course, everyone has a different idea of what is fun, and that idea can change from one day to the next. I just want to live my life, not just fill it up with "have tos" and "should dos", and add more of the"want tos". As the past has shown me, life can and will, throw you unexpected curves, at least I want to be able to say I've done, at least, some of what I've wanted to do. Sometimes, all the power we have is our choice in how we will react to what life throws at us.
One nice thing about a new year. It can be like a blank slate, anything can happen. I'm going to try and focus on the positive. It can be a very good year.
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