Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting Carried Away

I'm on a social website called Facebook to keep a bit more in touch with my family, plus it's fun. However, today I learned how mindless it can get. There are whole lists of things, places, products and people that you can become a"fan" of. Unfortunately, you can spend 20 minutes running down pages of lists and clicking things you are fans of, without wondering whether you want to be a fan of something that sounds cool, or whether you really know anything about what you're becoming a fan of. Is there any purpose to it? I'm certainly not sure. Still, I just became a fan of dozens of places, organisations, and foods. Did I accomplish anything but to fill up 20 minutes of time I could have used elsewhere? I guess I can put it down to playing.

We've really run the gamut in weather this past week. We got one of our usual temperature inversions, with the resulting polution being pretty severe for over a week. The polution became fog for a couple of days. In fact, my drive home last Thursday night was pretty rough. Then we got rain for a couple of days, which turned into snow yesterday. That led to shoveling and other fun things. It's still January, so I'm sure we'll have more snow. If I was the boss of winter, I'd mostly keep the snow in the mountains, and the rain in the valley. Nobody seems to be assigning me the job, so I guess I'll have to deal with what is.

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