Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I had intended to post on Thanksgiving, but it was a little busy, then came work and that was that. So here's my Thanksgiving musing.

There are many things that I'm thankful for, my Aunts for being there when I need them, my Daughter Michele, just for being herself and loving me unconditionally, my Son Robert, for being a wonderful son, father and husband, a good man. Thank you to my Daughter-in-law, Lisa for being a good wife and mother, and for being a roll model of strength and determination. I'm grateful for my Grandchildren, they are turning into wonderful people with loads of potential. I'm grateful that I have a job that I can find pleasure and satisfaction in. I'm grateful for my co-workers. I enjoy the people I meet on the job, especially the little children. They are a delight!

There are always the "little" things that I'm thankful for every day. The many beautiful sunrises and sunsets that I see daily, the view of the Great Salt Lake when I'm traveling to and from work. There was a huge, nearly full moon on Thanksgiving, beautiful. When I left for work the next morning, I looked up at the western sky, and there it was, getting ready to set, poised between the rosy glow of sunrise and the darker sky of night, really wonderful.

I bought something new on meditation recently. I've often thought of buying a book by Sharon Saltzberg, who writes about Loving Kindness and Insight meditation. She has a kit out, sold by Sounds Easy called "Unplug". It consists of an instuction booklet, idea cards and 2 CDs. On the CDs she walks you through meditations. Unlike many I've tried, she gives you periods of silence where you can count your breath and really get a feel to meditation. She really has you count, brethe in, and out, one and then breathe in, out, two and so on to ten and start over. If you get distracted, start again with one. She says not to judge any thought, just think of it as "not breath"and start again, being very gentle with yourself. So far, I'm quite impressed.

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