Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dream Life

Have you ever had a dream that just sticks with you and won't let go? It's not fun if it's a remembered nightmare, but even if it was a pleasent dream it can be uncomfortable when it seems like an obcession. Most dreams start to fade after you awaken and start getting on with your day,though if it was really nice, the feelings it engendered last awhile. This morning I was rudely awakened by my cat just as this dream was getting intense. There was a kind of "magicness" about this dream that has lingered all day long and the actual scene of the dream has remained clear as well. When I have a dream like that, I always wonder whether it has meaning. Is it prophetic? Gee, I hope so, but I don't think I've ever had a prophetic dream before. Is it something I really want or need and my subconscience is tryiny to give me a nudge? Maybe. Maybe I'm supposed to make a story out of it. Hmmm?

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