I was reading a book about journaling and how to use it for personal growth. One suggestion was to ask yourself a question and then answer in your journal. One suggestion was," If you could live your life over, what would you change?"
Not surprisingly, my first thought was that I would get that colonoscopy when I was in my 50's and my doctor tried to talk me into it. Maybe I could have by-passed the cancer or at least caught it sooner. Of course that wouldn't have protected me from some other malady.
Another thing I might wish was that I had been more patient with my children, especially my handicapped daughter.
Would I take more chances and be more spontaneous?
Actually, many changes can be made with our present life, no need to start over, just alter behavior. That's not always so easy, but it's possible.
The problem with reliving life is that the changes you made might lead you to lose some of the things you really hold dear and you might not even know what you'd lost! Maybe I'll just leave my soul a post-it note of some of the things I'd like to do in my next life.
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