Yesterday was a pretty strange day. Of course, I seem to be getting a lot of those. It was the end of the first week of chemo therapy and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I kept watching the read out from my little pumping machine and felt like I was going to be finished with the fluid earlier than my appointment to put the new bag on. I decided to go into Salt Lake early to see if they could work me in. When I got there, they said not to worry if the alarm wasn't sounding, just go downstairs to my radiation treatment.
When I arrived at radiation much too early, I found that they had a scheduling problem and everyone was running late. Of course my alarm went off. I called upstairs and they walked me through turning off the alarm and stopping the infusion and said I'd be fine until after my radiation. Unfortunately, the alarm wouldn't stay off. I had to keep turning it off every 5 minutes or so and during my radiation treatment, I just had to listen to it! When I went upstairs to get new solution hooked up, the alarm just kept cheerfully sounding no matter how many buttons were pushed! At least once the new solution was running, it all seemed to go back to normal. The nurse who was helping me said that model of pump wasn't too user friendly. A bit of an understatement!
My Radiologist told me I was half way through my treatments. I will get some recovery time before they decide about the surgery.
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