Thursday, September 22, 2011

Days Seem To Run Together

    I had intended to keep this a bit more currant, but as the title says, my days seem to keep running together. I seem to be doing the same thing day after day. I guess humans have an easy time getting into a rut.
     When I learned that I had cancer, for some reason I thought that I would face some profound changes. Of course, it isn't over yet and changes, physical at least will come, but I think I expected mental or spiritual changes, at least a change in outlook.  I do view my future differently, mostly as being a bit fluid, as I don't know the final outcome. Still, I seem to be lost in the routine, the commute to treatments, the irritation to be tied down to a bag of chemo therapy, the side effects, which to be honest haven't been too bad. I seem to have slipped into a routine that seems to be keeping me from getting anything done other than treatment. I guess that it's normal to focus on that.
      I had plans of resuming my yoga practice, keeping up my journal, doing some sewing, etc.,  Instead, I do crosswords, read, play solitaire. Whee, what fun! But still, I do have hope that I'll get my act together.

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