Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This and That 2

I was just noticing that I have only posted 2 times in October. October is 2/3 over. Opps! I guess I've been a bit lazy. I know I'm not writing in my journal as much either. I guess sometimes I either don't have anything to say, ot what I might say doesn't feel important enough to get myself writing.

I've spent the morning loading stuff picked up at the storage yesterday from the car to the house. I had a lot of jewelry that I've collected or been given over the years. Some I will take to the D.I. for give away,and some I will scavenge for parts for new jewelry.

I can't believe how many books I have collected, many of them unread! I've taken some to the D.I for give away, but it's kind of hard to part with some of them. Eventually, I will probably bring myself to give some more of them away. I noticed in the newspaper that the SLC public library was selling books for a rediculously low price and thought, "Wow! Just what I need, more books!"

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