Yesterday, I was doing some cleaning and dusting in my room. I was cleaning one of the 8x10 pictures I have of Michele, when I suddenly felt such a wave of grief and disbelief that it almost felt like punch in my stomach. I thought,"I can't believe she's really gone!" These things hit me, usually with no warning, just some little thing can trigger it. Later, I realised that it was Sept. 8th, Michele has been gone for 4 months. It still seems quite unreal to me, for some reason.
I'm working a little bit more lately. We are so short handed at work right now. Last Friday we had 4 people call in sick, plus our new co-ordinator has been in the hospital. There has been lots of shifting of demos and hours. Next month we will probably see an increase in the amount of demos with the up coming holiday season. I'm sure I'll be pressed to work more days. I'll probably work some more, but with every extra trip, it costs more in gasoline. Prices are coming down a bit, but Utah still has one of the highest costs, tied with Montana, in the nation. Unfortunately, with the higher food prices, it's getting harder to get our sales goals. Thank goodness I've already had my yearly review.
The weather is cooling some and we've actually had a couple of good rain storms. Our summer water total by Aug. 27, was just .41 inch. Over Labor Day weekend, we recieved 1.11 inch of rain in Tooele. We finally have some green in the yard. I was afraid we were going to have to convert to sage brush. It's cloudy and breezy today. We're expecting rain this evening and tomorrow. It will be welcome. I must say, I've certainly remembered , with fondness, MaryLou and my trip to Long Beach summer before last. There was so much water compared to Utah!
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