Sharon's opinions I thought today I'd strive to be a bit more positive in my post. Time to stop bitchin about the heat, the world, etc. Have you noticed it does no good to be negative except to bring about more negativity?
I've been reacting badly to the heat lately and it surely doesn't make the weather change. I decided to just go about my business. It was still hot and I still got sweaty and tired, but I didn't feel so bummed out, just living my life in the heat. Obviously, I still drink plenty of water, dress sensibly and rest when I need to, I'm just trying to be accepting of what I can't change. Yeah, and I don't hesitate to get into air conditioning when I can either!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinionsThe headline on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune this morning was very depressing though not totally unexpected. We've had a little 5 yr old girl missing for over a week and last night she was found dead in the basement of the next door neighbor. The buildings had been searched 4 times, but somehow she wasn't found. After 100's of people scoured the area and even into the canyons, she was that close. All the registered sex offenders were checked out and pretty much cleared. The young man who is now in custody has no record, but one instance of domestic disturbance 6 months ago. The police treated the disapperance as a " missing person" and didn't issue an "Amber alert" until yesterday.
It's just a sad, sad, thing when a little girl isn't safe in her own yard! I'm not sure what can be done. Maybe we need to see each other as lovable children of God,deserving love and protection. I don't know.
It's just a sad, sad, thing when a little girl isn't safe in her own yard! I'm not sure what can be done. Maybe we need to see each other as lovable children of God,deserving love and protection. I don't know.
Sunday, July 23, 2006

This is my cat Jake. He's 18 pounds, long of body and short of leg and when you see him walking from the rear, he looks like he's duck-walking. Give Jake 2 square meals a day, a sunny patch on the foor to lie in, birds to watch out the window and a comfortable lap to lie in once in a while and he's a happy camper. He's my alarm clock. I rarely get to sleep past 6a.m.--got to feed the cat! Jake loves tearing around the house for no apparent (human) reason. He has his own stuffed yellow cat that he grooms and talks to. Got to get him a friend. He surely makes life interesting around here
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinionsWe got the most wonderful rain storm last night, big huge drops at first, then it settled down into a steady rain for 20 minutes or so---pretty good for us. It cooled things off and freshened the air, wonderful! I slept well and this morning was beautiful and cool with streaky pink clouds as the sun was coming up. Of course we'll still probably get over 100 degrees again today but maybe only 98. yippee. It seems like most of the country is hot and even London and Spain are having people drop from the heat. Guess it's summer.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinionsThank goodness we got some cloud cover this afternoon to cool things off slightly, just 99 degrees rather than 103 like yesterday. We also got some lovely thunder and lightening, love it! Too bad we didn't get any rain. I try to remind myself that in 4 or5 months I'll be gripeing about being cold, right. Human nature---never satisfied, at least not for long. Maybe I should just meditate and learn acceptance.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinions The weather service says it's going to be HOT again today, maybe 104 degrees! My fan on my swamp cooler isn't working so well, so I have fans all over the house. I have a portable swamp cooler in storage--Guess I'd better go get it. Swamp coolers aren't as efficient as central air when it's this hot, but better than nothing. I realise this weather isn't proof of global warming, but it does make you think.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinions I saw the new "Pirates of the Caribean" yesterday. The local movie critics only gave it 2 and one half stars, but we enjoyed it. It was very much a cliff hanger ending this time, as there is a third movie in the can that will be seen next summer.
I also just read Fanny Flagg's new book,"Can't Wait to Get to Heaven". I read it in one sitting! It is a very good book. Give it a try anyone.
I also just read Fanny Flagg's new book,"Can't Wait to Get to Heaven". I read it in one sitting! It is a very good book. Give it a try anyone.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinions Well, my grandson's on his way home and it's queter around here. We went to see "Cars" recently. He had already seen it and wanted to see "Click". I'd have liked to see it too, but it's rated pg13 and my grandson just turned 10. It is probably an okay movie, but I didn't want to possibly upset his parents. It's funny. As a grandparent, I need to think of both my opinion, and also his parents opinion, one more opinion to consider than when I was a parent. I guess I could be the kind of grandmother who spoils the kids,(I do a little) but I didn't like being sabotaged by grandparents with my own kids. Anyway, "Cars" is a good movie and he enjoyed it over again.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinionsMy Aunt and I took one of my grandsons to the zoo here in SLC. It's been 2 or 3 years since I've been there and I knew they had made some positive changes in how the animals were housed, more natural settings etc. It does seem better too. They have some new programs for educating the public as well. We went to a show using wild birds, many of them predators. What beautiful bird! The hawks and owls would fly just over your head, you could feel the wind of their passing. They also used parrots and cockateils for entertainment. The trainer even showed some of his secrets. They had people in the audience participate.They taught the cockateils to take money out of your hand and deposit it in a collection box for projects to protect birds.Needless to say, they collect a lot. If your ever in SLC UT, check out Hogle Zoo!!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sharon's opinions
Sharon's opinionsIt's warm here in SLC Ut, but not as bad as some years. I can remember quite a few 4th of Julys being a 100 degrees, though we don't usually reach 100 until later in the month. The strange thing this year is that the usual hugh 4th of july program in the neighboring city of Provo, went on on Sat. July 1st, including fireworks. They've done this before when the 4th came on Sunday. Maybe they don't thnik anyone would come out on a Tuesday evening. Funny thing, they don't understand why ticket sales are down.
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