Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sharon's opinions

Sharon's opinionsMy Aunt and I took one of my grandsons to the zoo here in SLC. It's been 2 or 3 years since I've been there and I knew they had made some positive changes in how the animals were housed, more natural settings etc. It does seem better too. They have some new programs for educating the public as well. We went to a show using wild birds, many of them predators. What beautiful bird! The hawks and owls would fly just over your head, you could feel the wind of their passing. They also used parrots and cockateils for entertainment. The trainer even showed some of his secrets. They had people in the audience participate.They taught the cockateils to take money out of your hand and deposit it in a collection box for projects to protect birds.Needless to say, they collect a lot. If your ever in SLC UT, check out Hogle Zoo!!

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