Thursday, August 09, 2012

I'm reading a book called "Earth" by David Brin who is an astrophysicist. It takes place in 2038 and earth is suffering from global warming. It's interesting that this book was written in 1990 and he's trying to extrapolate  from what was known or believed in that time to nearly 50 years into the future.

People have to wear dark glasses and protect their skin due to increased sun danger from the thinner ozone layer. There are migrations to the Yukon because it has become more temperate. People want to go to Patagonia for the same reason, and the Antarctic is also thawing. There are "arks" to protect dying wildlife and there are new religions based on Gaia worship, you know, Mother Earth.

Of course all of these things are just the context for the problem of the mini black hole that's circling around the earth's core. Some scientist developed it for a South American Government who claims it's for powering the electric grid.

Now, in 2012, comes an anouncement from the National Weather Service that July was the hottest month ever recorded. The past year has also been the hottest on record. I also read an op-ed article from James Hansen who is the head of NASA. He was one of the first scientists to warn about global warning and he says now that he's afraid he underestimated the speed of the warming.

In the meantime, the conservative people in the government are still claiming it just ain't so. I live in Utah and our legislators are quite sure it's just a scam. More like wishful thinking. I'm not sure how much more of the Arctic  ice needs to melt or how many polar bears need to die before we get serious about CO2 in the air.

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