I'm back again.I'm really not used to working 5 days a week! It looks like I may be getting to 4 eight hour days rather than 5 six and a quarter hours.It would certainly help my gasoline bill. I do a lot of running, fast walking actually, though I still do some demos where I stand a lot. I actually prefer the running. The standing makes my feet hurt.
We got a 3 day storm this week. It was mainly slush the first 2 days, but it cooled off enough Wednesday night to really put down the snow. We got a foot of snow here in Tooele! I spent part of my day off shoveling, I even had to dig for the newspaper. Fortunately, there were 3 neighborhood boys who came around and finished the job for me. Here we are with all this snow and the trees are starting to leaf and we also have 3 boxes of floweres to plant! We are expecting a couple more storms this week as well. I was looking for garden seeds today, but I guess I'll wait a bit.
I can hear the wind starting to blow and it's getting cloudy again.The barometer in my head says the storm is coming and giving me a headache! It's always something, right?