Friday, January 15, 2010


I thought I'd write a quick post before I leave for work. Life can be a little strange. I should be used to having my Son and his family living 2 states away by now, but I sometimes feel so disconnected. Of course, the disconnect is more than distance. There are some changes going on with them that cause them to disconnect too. It still is painful, not knowing how they are doing, if they are okay or not.

I got on Facebook last year as a way to stay a little more connected to them. It worked pretty well for awhile, but I am at the mercy of whether they decide to post or not.Even when they do post, it doesn't have much info. That's because it is a public forum. I know I'm usually a bit circumspect about what I post. Frankly, I mainly play games.

I do read posts from my Daughter-in-Law most days, and I'm grateful for that. there are occaisional posts from my Grandchildren, who are busy with school and all. However, my Son seems to have disappeared. There have been not posts or comments for a couple of weeks. This gets to be scary! Maybe he is no longer an online presence? I guess I need to get on the phone, though I worry about being a nosy Mom.

Well, It's time for my work commute, how fun.

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