I've been ignoring my blog just because I'm a bit obsessed with geneology right now. Here is my daughter-in-Law, Lisa, putting up blog posts for her photography business, packing up and moving, doing blog posts on her family blog and she still finds time to keep up with Facebook and keeps thinking up ways to keep the rest of us busy keeping up with her. I guess I don't have any excuses about being slow to post.
I've got so many people on my family tree now, over a thousand, that sometimes when I'm working on a line, I don't even know which current relative I'm following. A couple of days ago, I actually got people born around the year 960. It gets kind of confusing back there, and you're never quite certain how accurate things are, but it's sure fun. There's a William Garscoine in every generation, for about 6 generations.Now that gets confusing, I wish the family had numbered them. I've run into one man that's supposed to be the High Sheriff of Yorkshire. There's another who's the 2nd Earl of something. Those who went to Cambridge or Oxford have lots of info on them. Most of these people are on the Peck side, at least from one of the female lines. The Pecks were from my Mom's female side. They were in Massachusets from almost the beginning. They're all English, except when they married into the French. The Jefferies were also English, except when they married into the Clarks, who are Welsh. The Pecks married into the Ures and Muirs, who are all Scots.
On my Dad's side, the Hagertys are from Ireland and proving to be hard to research after about 1810. My Father's mother was a Burns. Her line is English, Scots and some Swiss. My Great Grandfather Haggerty, (notice the spelling change) was married to Hester Ritenour. Dad thought she was Pennsylvania Dutch, but much of the family is from Germany. Anyway, it is very interesting.
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