Monday, March 12, 2007


I'm sort of moved. That is, I'm now sleeping in the new place, but there's still gobs of stuff in the old place. I find myself almost hoping to be robbed. It's amazing how much "stuff" you can accumulate. The last time I moved, about 12 years ago, I had 17 years of accumulation. I sent truck loads to the dump and to charity. Still, I managed to keep a lot and accumulate more. Now, here I am again, trying to devest myself of a bunch of stuff.

I had always fantisized about moving with just a small trailer, only taking the very basics. It's hard to really throw stuff away when it comes right to it though. I did get away with very little, but now, what do I do with the rest? It would help if I still owned a truck, but I don't. I guess I'll just keep trying, or maybe hold a moving sale.

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